A beloved staple of children’s literature become an animated feature on the silver screen, the adventures of Coraline are now brought to the stage by composer Mark-Anthony Turnage, in this show with the Royal Opera House of London. A fabulous opera for the whole family, full of colour, humour and deliciously frightful thrills.
Opera by Mark-Anthony Turnage (born 1960)
Libretto Rory Mullarkey after Coraline by Neil Gaiman
French adaptation Mathilde Tamae-Bouhon
Co-commande Royal Opera House London / Opera de Lille
Conductor Arie van Beek
Stage director Aletta Collins
Assistant to the stage direction, in charge of the new performances Deborah Cohen
Sets Giles Cadle
Costumes Gabrielle Dalton
Lights Matt Haskins
Repetitor Nicolas Chesneau
Coraline Florie Valiquette
The Mother / The Other Mother Marie Lenormand
The Father / The Other Father Philippe-Nicolas Martin
M. Bobbo / The Other M. Bobbo / Fantom Child 2 Carl Ghazarossian
Miss Spink / The Other Miss Spink / Fantom Child 1 Sophie Marin-Degor
Miss Forcible / The Other Miss Forcible Cécile Galois
Fantom Child 3 Victor Sicard
Orchestre de Picardie
To go further with Coraline
wed 31 oct. – tue 6 nov.
Introduction and projections of the motion film Coraline by Henry Selick (1h40)
at Cinema Le Majestic
seances and tarifs available on lemajestic.com
sat 10 nov 17.30
Introduction to the opera and libretto, 30 minutes before the performance starts, in the Grand Foyer
All publics, free access for tickets holders for the performance of the current day.
sun 11 nov 15.00
Singing Workshop for parents and their children, conducted by Brigitte Rose, choir master.
sun 11 nov 15.30
Workshop Les 400 Coups (children aged 4-8)
While you assist the sunday performance at Lille Opera, your children take part to a music or dance workshop in the Opera, driven by musicians and professionnals.
Booking : ticket Office or phone only. You need your ticket for the opera performance of the day to achieve booking.
We recommand you to arrive 30 minutes before the begining of the performance.
23€, 18€, 14€, 9€, 5€
2h interval included
sung in french
Disponible dans l’Abo’ Liberté et l’Abo’ Découverte
Tarifs réduits avec le Pass 10€ (-15%), le Pass Jeunes 10€ (-50%) et le Pass Familles 20€ (réduit parents et enfants)
représentations scolaires
ve 9 et ma 13 nov. 14h30
Co-commande et coproduction Royal Opera House London, Opéra de Lille, Folkoperan Stockholm, Theater Freiburg et Victorian Opera Australia.
Avec le soutien d’Air France, Mécène associé